Monday, June 11, 2007

Cap, gown and hood

OK, I have had NO time to post because I have been working 40 hours a week at my new job being a graduate intern pharmacist. Last week, I was out of state at a business executive training program for my company. It was interesting. Some moments it felt like kind of a cross between cult programming and actual business practice.
This week I have a three day board review, then our awards and hooding ceremonies and finally the actual graduation. I picked up my friend from California yesterday at Logan- our experience at school was similar (read that as struggled thru and made it). We compared notes and the upshot is we can't believe the three years of hard work and worry is finally at an end.
We had our review of NAPLEX process, and a herbals review (I got all the questions right so I felt good). We had lunch with all our friends from school , which was awesome. It was so good to be together. We all have jobs. At our table, our collective salaries made us a million-dollar table. Not shabby for someone who is used to living not far over the poverty level. Definitely a good investment.
I got my cap and gown today (of course they lost hers) and we got our tickets. It's a busy week but we are there. FOUR DAYS to graduation!!!

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